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The Jewess Believer

The Jewess Believer combines family recipes with Biblical truths and health tips, to highlight the Hebrew and Greek culture! We are just a bunch of Mediterranean foodies who love Yeshua! So come join us as we dig a little deeper into Biblical culture, health and wisdom!

Under God

Under God is a program that communicates the authority of the Word of God. In order to bring the audience to an understanding of God’s view on a subject, we will examine current events, world events, world history, historical figures and compare them with biblical history, biblical figures, and Christians throughout history through the lens of God’s Word. As a result of the information presented, listeners will be lead to align with God, the authority Who shines the light on the path believers need to follow.


WALLBUILDERS LIVE! with David Barton, Tim Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.  

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